Hormone therapy Eau Claire, WI

Overview of Hormone Imbalances and Therapies

Hormones play a crucial role in regulating many of the body's systems and functions. When hormone levels become imbalanced, it can lead to unpleasant symptoms and negative health effects.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves supplementing hormones that are lacking in the body to restore balance and alleviate deficiency symptoms. HRT comes in many forms including pills, patches, gels, implants, and injections. The goal is to bring hormone levels back to an optimal range so the body and mind can function properly.

Horizon Hormone Therapy in Eau Claire, Wisconsin specializes in customized hormone replacement therapy plans to help patients suffering from hormone deficiencies. With our state-of-the-art facility and experienced medical staff, we are able to accurately diagnose hormone imbalances through advanced testing and then create tailored treatment protocols for each patient.

In this guide, we will provide an overview of some common hormone deficiencies, the symptoms and health risks they pose, and how hormonal therapy from Horizon Hormone Therapy can help.

Symptoms and Dangers of Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone is often considered the “male” hormone. But both men and women rely on having adequate testosterone levels to maintain energy, strength, libido, and overall vitality. When testosterone dips too low, it can negatively impact quality of life.

Our services

Low T Symptoms

Some symptoms of low testosterone (Low T) include:

Health Risks

If left untreated, chronically low testosterone levels significantly raise risks for several serious health conditions:

Thankfully, correcting testosterone deficiencies with proper hormone replacement therapy from Horizon Hormone Therapy can effectively alleviate symptoms and minimize these long-term health risks!

Improve your quality of life with TRT!

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) involves supplementing bioidentical testosterone via gels, injections, patches or pellets to bring levels back up to an optimal range. Most men begin seeing benefits of TRT within 3-6 weeks with peak effects taking 3-5 months. Some key benefits include:

Physical Changes

Mental and Emotional Benefits

Sexual Health Improvements

Starting TRT treatment is the best way for men to regain their strength, virility and positive outlook when suffering from clinically low testosterone.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone

Because testosterone deficiency shares symptoms with other common conditions like hypothyroidism and depression, getting accurately diagnosed can be tricky.

Horizon Hormone Therapy uses advanced testing and proven screening protocols to determine if inadequate testosterone is causing your symptoms so we can get you on the right treatment path.

Blood Testing

We run two key blood tests to identify low T:

Optimal range is generally considered total T levels between 500-1000 ng/dL and free T between 50-200 pg/mL though values differ slightly person to person.

Medical History

We’ll also thoroughly review your medical, symptoms, and family history, check for related health issues, assess BMI, lifestyle factors, perform a physical exam and screen for prostate cancer risk before making a low T diagnosis.

Accurately diagnosing and treating low testosterone is Horizon Hormone Therapy’ specialty. We’ll uncover the root hormonal cause of your symptoms and get your levels optimized so you thrive!

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy can help treat distressing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. Interestingly, research shows it may also have cognitive benefits - a recent study found that women who took hormone therapy for menopause performed better on verbal memory and reasoning tests compared to those who didn't take hormones.

Horizon Hormone Therapy Customized TRT Protocols

Every hormone patient responds differently to treatments which is why Horizon Hormone Therapy custom tailors a testosterone replacement plan designed specifically for your needs.

We offer TRT through:

Gels and Creams


Testosterone Pellets

We'll determine the ideal delivery method based on your lab results, symptoms, treatment goals, medication sensitivities and preferences.

Follow-ups are scheduled every 6 weeks when starting TRT treatment. We recheck blood levels, monitor your response, assess side effects risk, manage estrogen balance and modify the protocols until your testosterone is fully optimized!

Restore vitality and minimize health risks. Contact Horizon Hormone Therapy!

Symptoms and Health Risks of Estrogen Imbalance

Like testosterone, estrogen plays many vital functions. Estrogen hormones like estradiol and estrone regulate female reproduction, support heart health, influence fat storage, impact mood and cognition and help control inflammation throughout the body when properly balanced.

Abnormally high or low estrogen can occur during perimenopause, menopause or andropause. Imbalances lead to frustrating symptoms and if left uncorrected, negative health effects over time.

High Estrogen Symptoms

Too much estrogen causes symptoms like:

Low Estrogen Symptoms

Deficient estrogen levels lead to:

Health Risks

Chronically high estrogen from obesity, low progesterone or environmental estrogens raises risks for hormone-dependent cancers like breast and uterine cancers.

Whereas long-term low estrogen from menopause or ovarian failure increases odds for several conditions:

Balancing estrogen levels through proper hormone replacement significantly lowers these health risks while alleviating uncomfortable symptoms.

Benefits of Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) supplements estrogen by pills, patches, gels or pellets to eliminate deficiency symptoms, prevent bone loss and promote heart health after menopause. Dosages are personalized then titrated to maintain ideal levels.

Benefits of balanced estrogen from ERT include:

Physical Changes

Emotional Improvements

Sexual Health Enhancements

In short, estrogen replacement delivered at proper therapeutic dosages can safely and effectively minimize menopause symptoms, guard against disease and help you feel more youthful.

Diagnosing Estrogen Imbalances

Since blood tests don’t always tell the whole story, accurately assessing estrogen balance involves checking levels along with carefully reviewing symptoms.

Estrogen Blood Tests

Horizon Hormone Therapy runs sensitive estrogen lab testing to uncover imbalances. We check:

Plus sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and other reproductive hormones for comparisons.

Ideal range depends on age, gender and menopause status but generally:

Estradiol 10-200 pg/mL Estrone 10-50 pg/mL

Declining levels signal menopause; high levels indicate possible hormone-dependent cancers.

Symptom Reviews

We also thoroughly evaluate symptom patterns, premenstrual changes, menstrual irregularities, menopausal timing, libido shifts plus lifestyle, diet, toxins, stress and genetic influences on hormonal balance.

Comparing lab results with clinical presentation allows our practitioners to accurately diagnose the root cause of estrogen excess or deficiency.

Pellet Hormone Testing

Horizon Hormone Therapy also offers convenient at-home finger stick hormone testing blood spot kits patients can order to monitor hormone levels between in-office visits after beginning pellet therapy.

Horizon Hormone Therapy Customized Estrogen Therapy

With accurate diagnosis guiding the way, we work closely with each woman to develop a personalized estrogen hormone replacement regimen incorporating her preferences, risks and needs to optimize deficiency treatment or menopause management.

Options include:

Estradiol Patches

Estradiol Gels or Creams

Estrogen Pellets

Plus we closely monitor progress through follow-up visits and at-home blood spot testing to continually adapt the treatment until estrogen levels stabilize at an ideal range.

Balancing hormones takes patience, precision and experience. Our goal is to simplify the process for you!

Dangers and Symptoms of Progesterone Deficiency

Many only think of progesterone for its role in pregnancy. But this vital hormone serves essential functions throughout the entire lifecycle for both women and men.

Also called the “feel good” hormone, progesterone helps regulate sleep, mood, weight, inflammation and much more when properly balanced. Deficiencies create frustrating symptoms and up disease risks if left untreated.

Low Progesterone Symptoms

Common signals of deficient progesterone levels include:

Health Dangers

Insufficient progesterone over many years also significantly increases susceptibility to:

Thankfully, correcting progesterone deficiencies through proper hormone therapy helps minimize these troubling symptoms and reduce future disease risks.

Horizon Hormone Therapy Bioidentical Progesterone Therapy

Bioidentical progesterone is chemically identical to the progesterone made in the body. It's delivered through pills, creams, injections or suppositories to restore circulating levels.

When used therapeutically for low progesterone, positive benefits include:

Physical Changes

Emotional and Mental Enhancements

Hormonal Balance Support

In addition to relieving frustrating deficiency symptoms, balanced progesterone also promotes graceful aging, easier weight management and lifelong wellness!

Diagnosing Progesterone Imbalances

Getting accurate progesterone testing can prove challenging because levels fluctuate dramatically throughout the menstrual cycle. Horizon Hormone Therapy uses savvy testing tactics along with tracking symptoms to determine if deficient levels are present.

Progesterone Lab Tests

We check progesterone along with estrogens, testosterone and other sex hormones at:

Ideal serum progesterone range is 1-28 ng/ml but varies monthly, by age and menopause status.

We also assess key hormone ratios for hormone balance insights most doctors overlook.

Symptom Review

In addition, we evaluate cycle irregularities, PMS patterns, fertility challenges along with risk factors for low progesterone like chronic stress, low body fat, toxin exposures and more.

Combining lab analysis with clinical presentation allows our practitioners to accurately determine if inadequate progesterone levels require treatment for optimal health.

Horizon Hormone Therapy Progesterone Replacement Programs

Once diagnosed, we develop customized bioidentical progesterone replacement plans for each woman based on her unique needs.

Options include:

Progesterone Cream

Progesterone Pills

Progesterone Injections

We also provide interventions to address contributing lifestyle and diet factors. Follow-up testing allows us to continually calibrate dosing to reach optimal levels long-term.

Symptoms and Risks of Low DHEA

DHEA is a precursor hormone synthesized mostly by the adrenal glands and then converted into other sex hormones. DHEA peaks around age 25 then steadily declines. By age 80, levels drop to just 10-20% of what they were during youth.

Low DHEA is extremely common as we age. But deficiencies can produce troubling symptoms and increased disease risks if not corrected.

Low DHEA Symptoms

Typical symptoms of declining DHEA levels include:

Increased Disease Risks

Studies show falling DHEA also contributes to higher incidence of illnesses like:

The good news? Correcting DHEA deficiencies with proper hormone replacement helps alleviate these troubling signs and provides powerful disease protection!

Benefits of DHEA Replacement

DHEA replacement therapy supplements declining levels to help regain youthful hormone balance as we age. Positive effects include:

Physical Changes

Mental/Emotional Enhancements

Immune System Boost

DHEA delivered transdermally or orally restores age-related hormone losses for better health and function lasting into later years.

Diagnosing DHEA Deficiency

Accurately assessing DHEA balance involves blood testing along with a clinical review for common deficiency symptoms by practitioners trained in detecting patterns of adrenal hormone loss.


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